u.s.a. patterson in fall

so the next couple of posts are going to be more photocentric - less talk, more look, as it were. we lived through fall and winter in the small town of patterson new york, and since its out in the country side, we got a beautiful taste of these 2 seasons.

i know for some of you this is run of the mill but for us this was super exciting stuff since in kenya our trees never change color, the temperature doesnt change that much through out the year, and we never, ever cancel our meetings because of snow!

and it has to be said that patterson is an exceptionally beautiful area. and especially the area around bethel is quite stunning.

and, as if it wasn't enough to be just beautiful, the trees put on this amazing show every year and change to intense reds and oranges, each one trying to outdo its neighbor. apparently the red colors are always there but the chlorophyll (green) prevents it from showing. then when the chlorophyll degrades as the tree prepares for winter, the beautiful reds and oranges shine through.

interestingly though, there is apparently some evidence that the tree actually puts energy into production of these colors, with no apparent gain to the tree. but lots of gain to our spirit, so we aren't going to complain, are we?

 this was to be our residence for the next few months.

patterson was also blessed with beautiful sunsets every evening, although unfortunately in the winter they happen before 5pm so we would miss them!

why do the trees change color? there are lots of hypotheses - that possibly during the winter the cost to the tree of maintaining the leaf is more than the energy it brings in due to the reduced sunlight, or to reduce water loss, or reduce insect predation...none proved for sure. whatever the reason, we are happy that we had the opportunity to witness it...

next story: more of the same, but in.....winter!

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