u.s.a. new york / brooklyn bethel / wallkill

i realise my narrative here is a bit confused timewise...i was a bit overexcited about picking gertrudes nostril that i kind of skipped ahead so please ignore any holes in my plot narrative. so we are back in new york for a tour of brooklyn bethel. one of my favorite places is the top of 90 sands building when the sun sets...now sold so likely we will never see it again.

we managed to visit union square (not named because of the union of the united states but because there was a union of 2 main roads - broadway and bowery (now called 4th avenue). one of the cool things its known for is the chess players you can see in the lower left hand corner of the shot.

from here we take a quick trip to wallkill, watchtower farms. which of course has many many interesting things - but just a couple of highlights...their fridge, below:

and one of my all time favorite gardens.

like i said, the narrative is not quite smooth here. somehow we are back to new york. beautiful sunsets every evening.

if you have not yet had the opportunity to visit the bible tour, i recommend it highly. they have a reproduction of the gutenburg bible. gutenburg is credited with inventing the printing press, but in truth the chinese had been printing with movable type for almost 500 years when gutenburg showed up. but he brought the west kicking and screaming into the modern age by inventing and improved press that used movable type and other innovations in printing.

his first work, of which about 150 copies was made, the gutenburg bible is extraordinarily beautiful work. even after printing, they had to add the color and drawings by hand, and what colors they are:

and to end gutenburgs' story on a rather heartwarming note, after enduring effective bankruptcy because of producing his bible, later on in life he was given an annual stipend of 2000 litres of wine. a fitting reward, you have to think.

this is just one of the interesting bibles in the exhibit - make sure you dont miss it if you are in nyc.

and to end our new york trip i leave you with this last shot from 90 sands.

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