about africanmoose

who am i? 
i am a regular chap who loves meeting new people from different places, traveling to new destinations and learning. i have yet to discover a completely boring destination. god loves variety and i think we should too. since getting married to my lovely wife sandi in 2009, we have extended the traveling tradition even further!

why african moose? 
1. i am african
2. my nickname is moose.

why do i keep this blog? 
mainly to keep my family and friends (hopefully) entertained and up to date on my life. but its also a little bit of my own little travel diary - i find that i learn a lot researching it and it helps me to remember the places i visit, and why i love them.

why dont i use capitalization?
i started out with this style in honor of linux programming (linux is case-sensitive, so code tends to be all lowercase unless you have a really good reason to cap) and now i am stuck with it.

Update on capitalization:
I have decided to change this standard, mainly because I started trying to compile my blogs into something I could print, and it is a ridiculous amount of work to go back and start putting in capitalization after the fact.

why is my shadow misbehaving?
special training. just kidding - it was part of a 100 day project to take a unique picture every day.

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