kenya: lamu
after a painful, long and dusty ride in a bus whose suspension was lacking in shock absorbers, we got to lamu - an island in the northern part of kenya which has not changed much over the years - it was settled by the arab traders centuries ago who left a legacy of food, tradition, architecture, culture and religion. also, it has no vehicles except for a landrover belonging to the district commissioner and an ambulance. just as well, since the streets are designed for walking and are rarely wider than 1 meter.
one of the characteristics of this island is the carved door - most houses have a huge fancy carved door - they are not cheap either.

we did some search work and found this young lady who was deaf. we were able to preach to her - she was so excited since there are only 2 other deaf on the island so she doesnt get much chance to communicate with others.

in order to fit in, we were dressed in the local traditional dress:)

being an island, boats are the main thing here. most are dhows - traditional arab boats which are still used to this day...this is one in moonlight.

and here are some pretty sunrise pics...

next set of pics will be a few more lamu pics...
one of the characteristics of this island is the carved door - most houses have a huge fancy carved door - they are not cheap either.

we did some search work and found this young lady who was deaf. we were able to preach to her - she was so excited since there are only 2 other deaf on the island so she doesnt get much chance to communicate with others.

in order to fit in, we were dressed in the local traditional dress:)

being an island, boats are the main thing here. most are dhows - traditional arab boats which are still used to this day...this is one in moonlight.
and here are some pretty sunrise pics...

next set of pics will be a few more lamu pics...