u.s.a: new york

i dont know how this happened but mysteriously i am a year behind! at least let us get out of north america and back to africa, so this blog covers our last week in new york. it was rather hectic trying to get everything together and packed for the trip home.

a special highlight was meeting up with kerry, daleann, evan and logan. we hit the met first, then onward to...the famous fifth avenue apple store! quite fitting as kerry was the one who first introduced me to macs. and the first ipad i saw was in evan's hands. really apple should pay the shellborn family for proselytizing the brand:). see if you can spot them in this shot:

a word on apple and its apple stores: apple is the worlds largest publicly traded company, worth an estimated $750 billion. last year they had revenue of $182 billion. its hard to comprehend how much money that is, but as a point of comparison, kenya's entire value of exports in 2012 was almost $6 billion. and having said that, the apple store on 5th avenue is an undeniably cool building, with its glass cube, glass elevator and glass staircase. worth a visit even if you are not a fan of the brand.

we enjoyed our last evening together with kerry and co in a very cool peruvian restaurant thanks to shara's find-cool-stuff-to-do skills. shara is ciru's friend who she met serendipitiously cleaning toilets at kasarani during the international convention. they got on like a house on fire and subsequently have visited each other and our families have visited each other - it really feels like they are part of the gathuru family who for some inexplicable reason just happen to be from jamaica.

our last day in new york was eventful. first of all an obligatory visit to times square (i got a little bit carried away with times square photos...)

the girls managed to talk me into going for 'cinderella' on broadway, in spite of my protests that it would hurt my manly image. but i have to admit that it was quite spectacular and i thoroughly enjoyed it.

and so we left one of my all-time favorite cities, hopefully not for the last time. next stop: nairobi. but first: i couldnt help but squeeze in one last image from the bright lights of times square....

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