personal project: artist portraits

why is it that artists are always so interesting looking?

one of my personal projects during the last year or so has been doing artist portraits. the majority of them are musicians, but there are a few other artists in there as well. this is an ongoing project, so maybe later we will have some more.

i started in mozambique - this brother was a sax player (i guess i didnt have to tell you that). a quiet but thoughtful man, i had a few mind-opening conversations with him.

one evening sandi and i were walking along the beach and came across this band chilling out and playing on the beach. so we stopped and enjoyed the free concert, then started a conversation. they are a band who play in a few of maputos night spots and there were pretty good. they also sang in 3 languages!

sister leoni in moz bethel is a true creative - she did this wall  mosaic while we were there and she is multi-talented: painting, mosaic, even her cooking is creative. it was inspiring getting to know her.

peter: trumpet. hes a really quiet guy and i wasnt sure he would agree to this portrait. but i am glad he did because this is my favorite picture of the whole series so far.

this guy is from cameroon. hes not actually an artist, so i am not sure if this counts, but he had a pretty cool collection of art from western africa including the ones on the wall behind him.

we met this isreali drummer practising on his instrument: apparently a peruvian drum. basically a box. but awesome sound, so another free personal concert.

this guy was from zambia, but he made his living by carving stone and wood and selling it in south africa. he had some pretty awesome pieces including the old man head that hes holding.

and back home, this lady is the most amazing drummer i have ever heard. she replicated the sounds made my the drummer you can see in the background on a conventional kit using her one drum, and occasionally parts of her face. she was just amazing. her outfit and makeup was pretty artistic as well.

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