kenya: kids in black and white

so i have been slowly collecting black and white shots that i really like of different kids across kenya, and have not really had a place to show them so i am kind of posting a 'miscellaneous' blog with all of them. brief descriptions sometimes  but no particular story, order or trip.

start of with one of my favorite shots of one of the little kids we played football with in naivasha.

these are the children of yala, western kenya. we visited the pretty little kingdom hall and all the little kids agreed to have their picture taken, including the one with a suit jacket and pink pyjama bottoms on the far right! too cute.

this is all you need when your a kid: slingshot and a branch. hours of endless fun

this is the cool kid - gap wear and all as kerry pointed out!

usual jobs for kids in rural areas include fetching water

shifting now to central kenya: these are actually my cousins...or second cousins. not sure what the proper word is but they are children of my cousins.

and finally back to naivasha for another favorite of mine - this little kid herding his sheep confidently right next to the flamingo filled lake.

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