kenya: camping with kennie

ok i know i am living in the past! i am really trying to catch up to the present, really!

so in february we went camping with kennie just before he went back to canada and had a great old time. here are a few pictures of the trip.

as usual we pass the escarpment - breakfast time! as the sign says, 2140m altitude.

we arrive safe and sound and quickly unpack and walk around - as usual naivasha has lots of bird life. the kingfishers are particular fascinating to watch. usually they sit and watch the water then suddenly dive in and emerge with a fish. what i had never seen before was when one caught something, another one attacked him and tried to grab it! unexpected intrigue and violence in kingfisher world!

this is an egyptian goose - apparently the male has a 'hoarse, subdued duck-like quack which seldom sounds unless it is aroused' and the female has a 'far noisier raucous quack that frequently sounds in aggression and almost incessantly at the slightest disturbance.' dont read anything into that, thats just the bird world.

there is this plant - water hyacinth - that has infested the lake. its kind of a nuisance and it just grows uncontrollably (can double in 2 weeks) and covers up the whole lake. it hasnt gotten that bad yet but there is a lot of it. apparently in world war 2 it was used to fool japanese pilots into thinking that it was an airfield and crashing into water. on the plus side it has beautiful flowers.

kennie and sandi making supper - nice roast chicken, man.

one of the highlights this time was that we drove up to crater lake (although we didnt quite get to the actual crater lake) but after a real pleasant drive full of giraffe (you can see why giraffes need long necks and some tongue as well!) and zebra...

...we eventually came upon this section of the lake full of...flamingoes!

we also found a large herd of cattle and a bunch of kids. the cattle left and happily we had a soccer ball and the kids didnt need much encouragement to join in. you just had to be careful not to step / fall face first into the cow patties.

kennie and kids vs. musa and kids!

overall we had a nice pleasant weekend and we will definitely be back!

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