south sudan: black and white

so this is my final post on juba, southern sudan, before you go out of your minds with me blabbing on about juba. this is just a picture blog - black and white shots from sudan, mostly cute kids.

many of the tribes in south sudan are tall and skinny with beautiful dark skin. some of them traditionally had tattoos cut into their foreheads, though that seems to be dying out (sadly i dont have any pics of the tattoos).

amy, one of the construction servants (welder extraordinaire) and her adopted kid, nunu.

moments after taking this picture, some kids bumped into me from behind, my face slammed into my camera and my glasses broke. since there are not too many opticians in juba (zero, to be precise), allan kindly superglued them together. so had this huge glued crack in my glasses for the rest of my stay. and they kept on breaking and getting more and more glue:)

the little kids at the kingdom hall loved getting a ride home in the back of the pickup. come to think of it, so did i!

out we preaching found this little guy playing.

nunu playing peekaboo.

there you go, you can heave a sigh of more sudan pics for a while. hope you enjoyed it - we certainly enjoyed our stay there and we cannot thank the brothers there enough for the great time we had.

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