kenya: mt. kenya part 1

last week we were invited to accompany uncle rajesh (uncle in the kenyan sense of good family friend who is older than you:) up mt. kenya. uncle raj has been up the mountain something like 15 times!! the last time i went with kennie was in 2003 (?) and that time, even though the clouds only cleared for about 15 minutes at the top, the view was so beautiful that i promised myself i would buy a camera and go back - so naturally i jumped at the chance. this time with sandi and suzie, as well as uncle raj's son, sister-in-law and 2 nieces, who all turned out to be good company so overall we completely enjoyed this trip. some highlights....

the first day involved driving from nairobi to the sirimon gate (which, incidentally is on the equator) and then a 3hr, 10km hike up to the old moses camp. this was very pleasant and we enjoyed this sunset soon after we arrived.

early the next morning we set off for shiptons camp. this was a bit more arduous, about 12km with one particularly steep climb. however, the walk was beautiful, with occasional glimpses of the peaks as well as fascinating flora...several variety of lobelia (which i just discovered is also called pukeweed! guess its a good thing i didnt taste it!!) such as these giant lobelia - you can see sandi and elijah, our guide standing next to it to get an idea of why its called 'giant'

the plants make for a somewhat alien landscape...

it seemed pretty warm until we stopped walking for lunch and then we realized it was pretty cool (to all you canadians, this is relative to the fact you are a days walk from the equator.) you can tell from these happy faces how we feel about the temperature :)

finally we get to shiptons camp, at the very base of the main peaks. a warm cup of tea is very welcome at this altitude (4,200m, 13,800ft). we get a clear view of batian and nelion, the 2 highest peaks in the mountain.

we go to bed early, knowing that the next morning, we will be up at 2am ready to do the last grueling climb to point lenana.

i leave you with the incredible story of 3 italian prisoners of war, who in 1943 were being held in a british army camp in nanyuki, close to mt. kenya. these 3 guys, out of the bordom of captivity, escaped with scant rations and improvised equipment to climb the mountain. their map was a sketch on a the label of an Oxo tin. 18 eventful days later, they broke back into the camp and were rewarded with 28 days in solitary confinement. this story is so strange i couldnt have made it up!

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